One Month

Foster update:

We’ve had our littles for 1 month!


The health stuff: We’re 2 weeks ER free (yay!) but baby is still miserable in her skin. Eczema sucks. Her skin is drawn, dehydrated, flaky, and red. We are currently pursuing allergy testing (my guesses are milk or corn, so we’re trying to avoid those) and trying an ointment concoction based on lots of research online and from advice. Please pray for healing of her skin and wisdom for us as we treat her ailments.

The good stuff: She’s officially 10 months now and just cut 2 more teeth! She loves dancing with me as I wear her around the studio most of the time. We also enjoy getting coffee together after brother goes to school and sitting outside at 11th Street Station for afternoon work in the sun. She jabbers a lot and today said some “mama” sounds which are her first “m” sounds! She loves when Daniel makes faces and we lift her high.

Little man-

The health stuff: We’re grateful that a balanced diet is our only physical concern for him. He does naturally crave good-for-him foods. He loves meat (which is so weird for us more veggie types). Yesterday, he put away 2 bacon-laden cheeseburgers from the food truck. He has learned to like new foods like cashews, mango, and fish. Please pray for continued progress in speech for him.

Th good stuff: we’re learning to communicate! We love to speak Minionese together (gibberish), and we sign to each other. He just learned the separate signs for “I love you” and we’re working on the corresponding hand signal. He loves coming to the studio and bobs his head every time music plays. He especially likes strong beats like rap and my EDM barre music. He walks around our house finding pictures of us and saying our names. He calls for us when he’s upset about 90% of the time.

The parents-

We’re grateful, sometimes overwhelming so, by the grace and kindness shown to us and our littles. We’ve been embraced by our community. You moms have cried with me. You families have given us clothes and gear and food. You’ve called me a name I didn’t know I’d ever have: “Mom.” You’ve invited us out with and without the littles. You’ve held and loved on and seen my littles. Foster care is hard and broken. I’m fully devoted and in love with children who don’t look like me, don’t always know what to call me, and don’t know the rest of my family. But for now, they are my family, and I love them.