An Emo Moment

I’m not good with people.

Really.  I teach around a hundred wonderful children, claim a score of loyal friends, and I try to be courteous to cashiers.  At the end of the day, though, I really prefer being alone to being around 14 people in a beach house for a weekend.

I wonder: what does this make me?  A bad person? Self-centered? Depressed? Rude?  Perhaps I am perceived as a cocktail of negative reactions.  It’s not that I dislike people.  Most people are relatively enjoyable, and God loves them all equally.  I don’t feel that I should measure them more harshly than God.  I don’t think the individual matters at all.  When I say, “I’m not good with people,” I mean, “with people… I’m not good.”

With that, I will add to my list of Awesome Things.

#7  A vacation from vacation: I love the beach and eating out and even the ~8 hour drive to the beach, but what really excites me now is not being on vacation.  Thank God for a relatively empty house and my own bed!